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Author: focei

Meet Emma

Emma is a 10-year-old boy from a very humble background, living with his single mother. He has faced numerous hardships, including going without meals at times. Despite these challenges, Emma demonstrates remarkable resilience. His education has been affected, but he remains determined to improve his circumstances.


Violet is a brave 4-year-old who has shown incredible strength in her journey to overcome a clubfoot condition. She was taken to the hospital for corrective treatment, and despite the challenges she has faced, she is still on the path to recovery.

Meet Joy

Joy is an eight-year-old orphan with a resilient and kind heart. She has a deep appreciation for education and loves attending school regularly. Despite facing challenging circumstances, Joy maintains a humble and positive attitude towards life.

Sandra, 16

FOCEI saved my life in 2021. I jumped off a cliff and I broke my limbs and femur which were severely damaged.